August 6, 2021
I’ve been using Azure CLI for well over a year now and while I’m more than happy to recommend it as a tool for working with Azure, it does have its shortcomings. One of the most recent ones, that I’ve stumbled upon, is using tags with spaces in them.
Tags in Azure allow you to logically organize resources, resource groups, and subscriptions into a taxonomy where each tag consists of a name and a value. When they highlight limitations there is the usual cadre of character and symbol restraints, but no mention of spaces of any kind.
“Everything is coming up Milhouse,” I thought, and even adding whole sentences as tag values in the Azure Portal does seem to work as expected. Trouble is around the corner though. As soon as I wanted to programmatically get a set of tags from one resource and apply them to another resource I saw that things aren’t quite like they seem.
The way you add an initial set of tags to a resource is usually during creation-time. Meaning, you run a az <type> create
command and pass the --tags
parameter which takes in space-separated tags in the following format: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]
. You can also leverage the az resource tag
command or az tag
commands to achieve the same result after-the-fact. (Be wary of the more than a 1000% decrease in speed though when using az resource tag
So, being the engineer that I am I quickly created a Bash function to condense the set of tags from JSON into a single-line format that az
function condense_resource_tags() {
# $1 - JSON object of a resource's tags
# sed '1d;$d' - remove first and last line from tags object
# as it is in JSON, thus has opening and ending curly braces
# sed 's/: /=/g' - replace colon and space with an equals sign
# sed 's/"//g' - remove double quotes
# sed 's/,//g' - remove commas
# awk '{$1=$1;print}' - remove leading whitespace
# tr '\n' ' ' - replace newlines with spaces
echo "$1" |
sed '1d;$d; s/: /=/g; s/"//g; s/,//g' |
awk '{$1=$1;print}' |
tr '\n' ' '
All of that can probably very well be achieved with a JQ or JMESPath expression, but what’s done is done. Here’s an example of the getting an input for the function, what it would output, and how it could be used down the line:
$ snapshot_metadata=$(az resource show --ids "$SNAPSHOT_RESOURCE_ID")
$ snapshot_tags=$(jq -r '.tags' <<< "$snapshot_metadata")
$ echo "$snapshot_tags"
"owner": "Me"
$ snapshot_tags_condensed=$(condense_resource_tags "$snapshot_tags")
$ echo "$snapshot_tags_condensed"
# Adding quotes around '$snapshot_tags_condensed' will
# cause command to improperly add tags
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
$ az snapshot create \
--name "$SNAPSHOT_NAME" \
--resource-group "$TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP" \
--tags $snapshot_tags_condensed \
--output none
The above works fine and will most likely keep working fine as long as a tag’s value never contains a space. Introducing one will cause this solution to break down horribly. Cue the sad trombone.
I tried various combinations of wrapping the both the tag names and values with single or double quotes, but no dice. After a bit of googling I started noticing that it’s not that uncommon of a problem. I did come across a potential solution that relied on PowerShell and that got some gears going in my head.
Every single command you execute with Azure CLI is at the end of the day nothing more than a call or several calls made for you against their REST API endpoints. I don’t know what made them decide for creating it (I am so thankful that they did though), but there is a command for interacting more directly with those endpoints called az rest
Using that it’s possible to forego some or all of the parsing the initial sub-command does to the given arguments, thus it’s possible to achieve some things that aren’t even doable otherwise. Using tags with spaces in them now being one of them, luckily.
To use az rest
you need to know what endpoint to target and with which HTTP method. Since I knew I couldn’t monkeypatch the az snapshot create
command, as an example, to include the tags the way I wanted them, I had to resort to an additional command called az tag update
to get the tags in place.
I started by trying to add the same broken tags with that command, but adding the --debug
parameter at the very end. That exposes all the nitty-gritty details of everything a command does, including any and all API endpoints it calls:
<output omitted> Request URL: '<subscription ID>/resourceGroups/<resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/<snapshot name>/providers/Microsoft.Resources/tags/default?api-version=2021-04-01' Request method: 'PATCH' Request headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' 'Accept': 'application/json' 'Content-Length': '126' 'x-ms-client-request-id': '16b9bac0-f6e9-11eb-be2d-04ed3383f2e3' 'CommandName': 'tag update' 'ParameterSetName': '--operation --resource-id --tags --debug' 'User-Agent': 'AZURECLI/2.27.0 (RPM) azsdk-python-azure-mgmt-resource/18.0.0 Python/3.9.6 (Linux-5.13.6-200.fc34.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.33)' 'Authorization': '*****' Request body: {"operation": "Replace", "properties": {"tags": {"name": "Tag", "with": "", "spaces": "", "in": "", "it": "", "owner": "Me"}}}
<output omitted>
You can see that it uses the PATCH
HTTP request method against the /Microsoft.Resources/tags/default
endpoint. If you are at all familiar with Azure you can spot that the bulk of the URL is composed of the target resource’s ID with the latter portion tacked on, meaning you can (probably) target any valid resource. That final portion will clue you in on the exact API endpoint you can look up in the reference. You can also see that the request has a body, which means that if you want to call that endpoint directly then you’re the one who has to create the body. With all that it’s off to function creation races!
function update_tags() {
# Use 'az rest' to update tags instead of relying on 'az tag update'
# to properly work with space-separated tag values
# $1 - resource ID of target resource
# $2 - operation to perform (Delete, Merge, Replace)
# $3 - JSON object of tags
# $4 - API version to use for request
local resource_id="$1"
local operation="$2"
local tags="$3"
local api_version="${4:-2021-04-01}"
az rest \
--method patch \
--url "${resource_id}/providers/Microsoft.Resources/tags/default?api-version=${api_version}" \
--body "{\
\"operation\": \"${operation}\",\
\"properties\": {\
\"tags\": ${tags}\
}" \
--output none
Note how the \"tags\": ${tags}\
line does not contain double quotes around the variable. Adding those would make the JSON invalid as those double quotes would wrap around the included curly braces (see echo "$snapshot_tags"
above). There’s also the possibility of passing in a file as the body using --body @body.json
, but I didn’t want to needlessly create a file if I absolutely didn’t have to.
Now it’s very easy to just make minor alterations to the previous code (shown in full) and be able to support tags with spaces in them as well:
$ snapshot_metadata=$(az resource show --ids "$SNAPSHOT_RESOURCE_ID")
$ snapshot_tags=$(jq -r '.tags' <<< "$snapshot_metadata")
$ echo "$snapshot_tags"
"name": "Tag with spaces in it",
"owner": "Me"
$ snapshot_create_result=$(az snapshot create \
--name "$SNAPSHOT_NAME" \
--resource-group "$TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP" \
$ update_tags \
"$(jq -r '.id' <<< "$snapshot_create_result")" \
'Replace' \
As far as I’ve tested using double or single quotes within the tag value also works as expected, so happy tagging!
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